Physical Book: Book 2 – Handbook Mediation Quest Making sense of Loss.
Physical Book: Book 2 – Handbook Mediation Quest Making sense of Loss.

Physical Book: Book 2 – Handbook Mediation Quest Making sense of Loss.


The Re-Constructionist Model – Guidelines for Practitioners.


The theory and practice of mediation is multidisciplinary with many models developed based on conflict resolution theories and those from the fields of law, psychology and social work.

This book is no different, offering multidisciplinary insight into disputing and dispute resolution by focusing on a social constructionist approach to understanding loss experienced by disputing parties and how that understanding may be reconstructed to create another reality which makes resolution more plausible.

It encourages relational learning in a reconstructionist model (R M) of mediation. Relational learning in this mediation model occurs through recognition of the importance of intersubjectivity in dispute analysis.

It enables a party to take responsibility for their own loss rather than solely blaming the other party. By so taking responsibility, a path is paved for resolution and ultimately social change.



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